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  • In June, architects, engineers and local authority representatives from around the UK assembled at the annual FOOTPRINT+ property conference to discuss the future of British construction. Alongside th ...
  • In June I sat on a panel at FOOTPRINT+ representing NACF, for what resulted in a very lively discussion on galvanising the circular economy in the built environment.  We were there to talk about const ...
  • After 2 amazing years on Brighton seafront, FOOTPRINT+ has come of age and for 2024 will relocate to London. Their new home will be Old Billingsgate Market; re-purposed by partner Marco Goldschmied of ...
  • Matthew Margetts, Director at Smarter Technologies, chaired the UK Green Building Council’s (UKGBC’s) discussion on energy procurement and its significance in the decarbonisation process, titled “The ...
  • I attended FOOTPRINT+ for the second year running. Last year, I was able to be there for two days (see 2022 write ups 1 and 2), however this year I had to cut things short to just the first day and wa ...
  • The importance of leveraging building performance data in real time cannot be understated. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. In this blog, James Thomas, Head of Smart Buildings & Technolog ...
  • It may even hold some of the world’s worst polluters accountable. I explain the details in my new story about the case — and the remarkably colorful lawyer at the center of it. Here are the basics: A ...
  • A guide to understanding construction options for low-carbon developers. Timber Development UK (TDUK) – the UK’s trade association for the timber supply chain – has launched a new guide to understandi ...
  • ISO 50001:2021 and your Net Zero future

    16 May 2023 Shea Karssing
    In 2019, the UK parliament passed legislation which requires the government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and effectively make the country net zero. Net zero occurs when the balance of gr ...
  • If you can cast your mind back beyond Partygate and all the dodgy deals over PPE, there was one remarkable story about Covid-19 which wasn’t covered much in the press. The Chinese made public the gene ...
  • FOOTPRINT+ is at the forefront of the UK property industry's low-carbon future allowing professionals to discover the latest techniques whilst connecting with like-minded experts. Taking place on Brig ...
  • The built environment contributes significantly to the climate crisis. Susan Mantle, Technical Director at Heyne Tillett Steel, discusses five ways Structural Engineers can reduce carbon emissions - e ...
  • How IoT Simplifies the Achievement of Net Zero Carbon Buildings The government is committed to achieving net zero by 2050. According to the UKGBC’s Whole Life Carbon Road Map, buildings account for ar ...
  • Yesterday, Wood Store delivered recycled planter kits made of shuttering ply to Hortus Loci for our plant installation. In 2022 National Wood Recycling of which Wood Store are members, rescued nearly ...
  • 1 Broadgate’s sustainability journey: building places for tomorrow

    31 Jan 2023 Marie-Louise Schembri - Hilson Moran
    Among the usual flurry of work before the winter holidays, there was one discreet email that we had to pause for. It was a short message from the BRE to British Land and the 1 Broadgate team, informin ...
  • Reducing carbon emissions is more than simply insulating and adding solar panels. Drawing focus to the energy efficiency of our existing buildings, our innovative approach to decarbonisation is founde ...
  • Studio Egret West, on behalf of Oval Real Estate, have designed an ambitious mixed use scheme on the site of Albert Bridge House in central Manchester.  The existing site, currently dominated by surfa ...
  • Phoenix, Lewes is a low carbon neighbourhood for developer Human Nature, who plan to build from as many re-used, re-purposed, and bio-based materials as possible, reducing embodied carbon whilst still ...
  • Boston is proposing that all new buildings hit Net Zero on opening

    25 Nov 2022 Tim Pyne, Creative Director, FOOTPRINT+
    Boston Planning & Development Agency has proposed that all larger new buildings in the city would be required to achieve ’net zero’ greenhouse emissions under city regulations as soon as they open. Th ...
  • When the £3.2bn construction group Morgan Sindall approached us to become the first contractor to sponsor The Circular Economy at FOOTPRINT+ they described their initiatives to de-carbonise their supp ...
  • Cratus Communications hosts local authority lounge

    03 Nov 2022 Cratus Communications
    Cratus have become the FOOTPRINT+ Strategic Public Affairs Partner and are joining forces with us to host a local authority lounge at FP23.  Cratus made this move because they view FP23 as the best ev ...
  • Delivering steel’s circular economy potential

    03 Nov 2022 The Institution of Structural Engineers
    The reuse of steel has accelerated into the mainstream and is now being actively considered on dozens of projects. This IStructE paper captures 15 months of research, exploration and discussion which ...
  • Lord Callanan, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy will offer the opening keynote address to FOOTPRINT+ Conference at 10am, Tuesday 7t ...
  • "There is no net zero transition without an urban transition, and that urban transition requires a new partnership between cities, property and investors. Post pandemic we face stark choices and immen ...