Q&A with Tony Corrie, Low Embodied Carbon Steel Director at Barrett Steel
Why is it important that the UK’s property, planning, and sustainability sectors come together at FOOTPRINT+?
As long servants and suppliers to the steel construction sector we recognise that decarbonisation brings the largest challenge to our industry, in our lifetime. At Barrett Steel we believe in a transparent and collaborative approach, particularly one in which we share knowledge with the industry, and FOOTPRINT+ gives us the opportunity to engage with a broad range of stakeholders who share with us our goals and beliefs.
What did you hear about / experience at our last year’s event which has made you want to come back?
When speaking with industry partners we heard about the success and positivity surrounding the 2023 event. At Barrett Steel we believe the strength of any organisation is its people and to that note FOOTPRINT+ offered us the perfect opportunity to engage directly with the people who have the same drive and vision as ourselves. The feedback from these conversations made us incredibly keen to be part of an event that drives meaningful action in 2024.
When you attend FOOTPRINT+ in May 2024 what will you be sharing with conference delegates, policy makers, your partners, and your industry peers?
At FOOTPRINT+ 2024 we look forward to sharing the latest developments on our Barrett Green Solutions reporting initiative which has so far this year seen us remove around 300,000 tonnes of embodied carbon from projects supplied in 2023.
What are you looking to get out of the FOOTPRINT+ event?
FOOTPRINT+ is an exciting learning opportunity for us, that enables us to keep up with the latest developments and questions impacting the sector, not only today but also for the future. We look forward to making lots of personal and invaluable connections with other industry changemakers who share our vision for a greener steel future.