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01 Aug 2023

FOOTPRINT+ moves to London

FOOTPRINT+ moves to London

After 2 amazing years on Brighton seafront, FOOTPRINT+ has come of age and for 2024 will relocate to London. Their new home will be Old Billingsgate Market; re-purposed by partner Marco Goldschmied of RSHP in 1985-88 for National Westminster Bank Plc. The building results from a visionary light-touch, low-carbon retrofit, from the 19th century’s largest fish market to central London’s premier event space.  

Old Billingsgate is naturally lit, with openable rooflights throughout, and a huge outdoor terrace directly facing directly onto London’s impressive riverside. The venue provides the space to accommodate the growth of FOOTPRINT+ while providing greater accessibility for all the various diverse sectors who will now have only a short walk from Monument and London Bridge stations. 

FOOTPRINT+ is all about finding much needed solutions, having open conversations and building business relationships. By relocating to the centre of the City, people from various sectors who may only be able to escape for part of a day will be able to benefit from the knowledge and expertise which is only available at FOOTPRINT+.  

FOOTPRINT+ 2024 will take place May 8-9 2024 with the main conference running from 10am-5pm as before. AR Future Projects Awards lunch will take place within the event, providing high profile international visitors, and this year there will be an extra stage concentrating on new emerging materials. Sponsors will hold a range of friendly but informative Breakfast Briefings early in the day, and other hospitality events will stretch into the evening. 

Everyone will find all the fun, creativity and collaborative atmosphere of the Brighton event has survived the move. 

FOOTPRINT+ Founder and Creative Director Tim Pyne says: “While Brighton was great as a launch pad, the matter that FOOTPRINT+ deals with is too vital for us to ignore investors. Change will only happen when people see that the Green Economy is a profitable endeavour and that’s why we’ve moved to the City.”  

For further information about FOOTPRINT+, please visit or to get involved contact Annika Pennington,  

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